Wednesday, March 20, 2013

There is no reality only perception

This is one of the main points argued by philosophers, even today. Now you need to keep in mind that what you consider reality is really just an accumulation of what your senses have picked up,....
for the moment lets ignore your personal opinion. For example take an ice cream cone. You can see the cone with the scoop of ice cream, feel the texture and temperature, taste whatever flavor it is, smell it and hear the cone crunching in your mouth. But the image that you have of an ice cream cone may be a sugar cone with cookies and cream single scoop, while another persons image is waffle cone with chocolate double scoop and sprinkles. You can see, hear, smell, taste, touch in what we call reality. Now take a dream. In a dream you can also touch, smell, taste, hear, see; sometimes in a vividness that appears real. How are you sure that the dream is a dream and reality is reality. The truth is that we basically say what continues is real what doesn't is a dream. So now let's take into account that maybe what you think is past memories are not real, but figments of your imagination. You can only be sure of three things: the first that you exist, because you think; that you exist right at this moment, because the past could be false; and that you are a thinking thing, because theres no way to prove that under the body we see, feel, etc. there exists something real. Basically the only reality is what your senses are telling you, what you percieve through your senses, that is reality.
Dr. Thompson, University of Miami Professor in Philosophy

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